Friday, October 31, 2014

Today's Hebrew lesson; The Aleph-Bet Reviewed

Welcome! Today we finish up the Month, and today's Hebrew lesson is a review of the whole Hebrew Aleph-Bet.

Tomorrow is September 1st. That means we start the Hebrew Aleph-Bet from the beginning.

Tell your Friends!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Welcome! Today's Hebrew lesson; The "Dagesh".

Welcome! Today's Hebrew lesson is a review of the "Dagesh".
The Dagesh is a diacritic dot placed inside a Hebrew letter that modifies the pronunciation, turning a "B" into a "V", a "P" into an "F" or a "S" into a "SH".

Like vowels, You will almost never see the Dagesh used in day-to-day situations (like newspapers) and will just have to learn how to properly pronounce words through lots of experience.

ך ם ן ף ץ Yesterday; the final forms, or "Sofeet".
ב בּ כ כּ שׁ שׂ Today; The "Dagesh".

** Tomorrow we review the whole Hebrew Aleph-Bet **

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Today's Hebrew lesson; The final forms, or "Sofeet".

Welcome! Today's Hebrew lesson is a review of the final forms, or "Sofeet".
As illustrated in today's calendar page below, Five letters have a final form, and these are how you write that particular letter when it comes at the end of a word.

אֱ אָ אֻ Yesterday; the Hebrew vowels, or "Nikud".
ך ם ן ף ץ Today; the final forms, or "Sofeet".
ב בּ כ כּ שׁ שׂ Tomorrow; The "Dagesh".

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Today's Hebrew lesson; The Vowels

Welcome! Today's Hebrew lesson is a review of the most common vowels.
Vowels in Hebrew are called "Nikud" or "appointing" and are written as dots or dashes above, below, or next to a letter. Some of you may have heard of them before; these are proverbial "Jot nor Tittle".

There are eighteen vowels in total and are divided into Long, Short, Reduced, Silent and Vocal short, and that doesn't even cover the six diphthongs. You seem like nice people, so for now, let's just stick with the basics.
You will never see the nikud used in day-to-day situations (like newspapers) and will just have to learn how to properly pronounce words through lots of experience.

"Nikud" are known as "diacritics" in English, and appear in latin alphabets as accents like é or á.

ת "Tav" was yesterday's Hebrew letter.
אֱ אָ אֻ Today; the Hebrew vowels, or "Nikud".
ך ם ן ף ץ Tomorrow; the final forms, or "Sofeet"

Monday, October 27, 2014

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Tav" ת

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Tav" ת
"Tav" is the twenty-second letter in the Hebrew alphabet. Her English language equivalent is the letter "T".

ש "Shiin" was yesterday's Hebrew letter.
ת "Tav" is today's Hebrew letter.
אֱ אָ אֻ Tomorrow; the Hebrew vowels, or "Nikud".

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Shiin" ש

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Shiin" ש
"Shiin" is the twenty-first letter in the Hebrew alphabet. Her English language equivalent can be the consonant cluster "SH", or the letter "S".

ר "Raysh" was yesterday's Hebrew letter.
ש "Shiin" is today's Hebrew letter.
ת "Tav" is tomorrow's Hebrew letter.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Raysh" ר

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Raysh" ר
"Raysh" is the twentieth letter in the Hebrew alphabet. Her English language equivalent is "R".

ק "Koof" was yesterday's Hebrew letter.
ר "Raysh" is today's Hebrew letter.
ש "Shiin" is tomorrow's Hebrew letter.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Koof" ק

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Raysh" ר
"Raysh" is the twentieth letter in the Hebrew alphabet. Her English language equivalent is "R".

ק "Koof" was yesterday's Hebrew letter.
ר "Raysh" is today's Hebrew letter.
ש "Shiin" is tomorrow's Hebrew letter.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Tzadik sofeet" ץ

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Tzadik sofeet" ץ
"Tzadik sofeet" is how you write "Tzadik" when it appears at the end of a word. Her English language equivalent is consonant cluster "Tz", as in the american pronunciation of "Pizza".

צ "Tzadik" was yesterday's Hebrew letter.
ץ "Tzadik sofeet"is today's Hebrew letter.
ק "Koof" is tomorrow's Hebrew letter.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Tzadik" צ

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Tzadik" צ
"Tzadik" is the eighteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Her English language equivalent is consonant cluster "Tz", as in the american pronunciation of "Pizza".

ף "Pey sofeet" was yesterday's Hebrew letter.
צ "Tzadik" is today's Hebrew letter.
ץ "Tzadik sofeet" is tomorrow's Hebrew letter.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Pey sofeet" ף

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Pey sofeet" ף
"Pey sofeet" is how you write "Pey" at the end of a word.
Her English language equivalent is "P".

פ "Pey" was yesterday's Hebrew letter.
ף "Pey sofeet" is today's Hebrew letter.
צ "Tzadik" is tomorrow's Hebrew letter.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Pey" פ

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Pey" פ
"Pey" is the seventeenth letter in the Hebrew alphabet. Her English language equivalent can be either "P" or "F" depending on the "Dagesh" (we'll get to that).

ע "Ayin" was yesterday's Hebrew letter.
פ "Pey" is today's Hebrew letter.
ף "Pey sofeet" is tomorrow's Hebrew letter.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Ayin" ע

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Ayin" ע
"Ayin" is the sixteenth letter in the Hebrew alphabet. It is an "a" sound voiced from the back of the throat, known an a "voiced pharyngal fricative". She has no English language equivalent letter and is one of the more challenging sounds for the beginner to imitate. Best of Luck.

ס "Samekh" was yesterday's Hebrew letter.
ע "Ayin" is today's Hebrew letter.
פ "Pey" is tomorrow's Hebrew letter.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Samekh" ס

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Samekh" ס
"Samekh" is the fifteenth letter in the Hebrew alphabet.
Her English language equivalent is "S".

ן "Noon sofeet" was yesterday's Hebrew letter.
ס "Samekh" is today's Hebrew letter.
ע "Ayin" is tomorrow's Hebrew letter.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Noon Sofeet" ן

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Noon Sofeet" ן
"Noon sofeet" is how you write "Noon" at the end of a word. Her English language equivalent is "N".

נ "Noon" was yesterday's Hebrew letter.
ן "Noon sofeet" is today's Hebrew letter.
ס "Samekh" is tomorrow's Hebrew letter.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Nuun" נ

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Nuun" נ
"Nuun" is the fourteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Her English language equivalent is "N".

ם "Mem sofeet" was yesterday's Hebrew letter.
נ "Noon" is today's Hebrew letter.
ן "Noon sofeet" is tomorrow's Hebrew letter.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Mem sofeet" ם

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Mem sofeet" ם
"Mem sofeet" is is how you write "Mem" when it appears at the end of a word. Her English language equivalent is "M".

מ "Mem" was yesterday's Hebrew letter.
ם "Mem sofeet"  is today's Hebrew letter.
נ "Nuun" is tomorrow's Hebrew letter.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Mem" מ

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Mem" מ
"Mem" is the thirteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Her English language equivalent is "M".

ל "Lamed" was yesterday's Hebrew letter.
מ "Mem" is today's Hebrew letter.
נ "Nuun" is tomorrow's Hebrew letter.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Lamed" ל

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Lamed" ל
"Lamed" is the twelfth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Her English language equivalent is "L".

ך "Kaaf sofeet" was yesterday's Hebrew letter.
ל "Lamed" is today's Hebrew letter.
מ "Mem" is tomorrow's Hebrew letter.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Kaaf Sofeet" ך

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Kaaf Sofeet" ך
"Kaaf soffet" is how you write "Kaaf" when it appears at the end of a word. Her English language equivalent is "K" or the consonant cluster "Kh" as in the scottish "Loch".

כ "Kaaf" was yesterday's Hebrew letter.
ך "Kaaf sofeet" is today's Hebrew letter.
ל "Lamed" is tomorrow's Hebrew letter.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Kaaf" כ

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Kaaf" כ
"Kaaf" is the eleventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet and her English language equivalent is "K" or the consonant cluster "Kh" as in the scottish "Loch".

י "Yud" was yesterday's Hebrew letter.
כ "Kaaf" is today's Hebrew letter.
ך "Kaaf sofeet" is tomorrow's Hebrew letter.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Yud" י

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Yud" י
"Yud" is the tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet and her English language equivalent "Y".

ט "Tet" was yesterday's Hebrew letter.
י "Yud" is today's Hebrew letter.
כ "Kaaf" is tomorrow's Hebrew letter.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Tet" ט

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Tet" ט
"Tet" is the ninth letter of the Hebrew alphabet and her English language equivalent is "T".

ח "Khet" was yesterday's Hebrew letter.
ט "Tet" is today's Hebrew letter.
י "Yud" is tomorrow's Hebrew letter.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Khet" ח

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Khet" ח
"Khet" is the eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet and her English language equivalent is the consonant cluster "kh" as in the scottish "Loch".

ז "Zion" was yesterday's Hebrew letter.
ח "Khet" is today's Hebrew letter.
ט "Tet" is tomorrow's Hebrew letter.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Zion" ז

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Zion" ז
"Zion" is the seventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet and her English language equivalent is the consonant "Z".

ו "Vav" was yesterday's Hebrew letter.
ז "Zion" is today's Hebrew letter.
ח "Khet" is tomorrow's Hebrew letter.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Vav" ו

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Vav" ו
"Vav" is the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet and her English language equivalent is the consonant "V". However, "Vav" can also be the vowels "o" and "uu" depending on the diacritic. In modern Hebrew, two vavs together are transliterated as "W".

ה "Hey" was yesterday's Hebrew letter.
ו "Vav" is today's Hebrew letter.
ז "Zion" is tomorrow's Hebrew letter.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Hey" ה

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Hey" ה
"Hey" is the fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet and her English language equivalent is "H".

ד "Dalet"  was yesterday's Hebrew letter.
ה "Hey" is today's Hebrew letter.
ו "Vav" is tomorrow's Hebrew letter.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Dalet" ד

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Dalet" ד
"Dalet" is the fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet and her English language equivalent is "D".

ג "Gimmel" was yesterday's Hebrew letter.
ד "Dalet"  is today's Hebrew letter.
ה "Hey" is tomorrow's Hebrew letter.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Gimmel" ג

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Gimmel" ג
"Gimmel" is the third letter of the Hebrew alphabet and her English language equivalent is "G".

ב "Bet" was yesterday's Hebrew letter.
ג "Gimmel" is today's Hebrew letter.
ד "Dalet" is tomorrow's Hebrew letter.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Welcome! Today's Hebrew letter is "Bet" ב

Today's Hebrew letter is "Bet" ב
"Bet" is the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet and her English language equivalent is "B".

א "Alif" was yesterday's Hebrew letter.
ב "Bet" is today's Hebrew letter.
ג "Gimmel" is tomorrow's Hebrew letter.